FUNDRAISING: Fundraising is a KEY way that Saint Clement School can keep school costs low. In addition to the mandatory participation in the parish festival (in shifts and /or donations), each year, SCCS will have four major all-school fundraisers. The fundraisers currently consist of a school yearlong raffle and parish festival raffle, and participation events include our annual walk-a-thon and annual banquet/auction.
Family Fundraising Fee:
Each family will be charged a $300 family fundraising fee. The fee will be added to your FACTS Tuition Management Plan (whether your payment plan is a 12-month plan, 10-month plan, or 4 equal payments) This covers the cost for the Annual Parish and School Raffle Fundraisers. Families will receive tickets for both raffles and sell them at their discretion.
This year, the mandatory school fundraiser is the School Yearlong Raffle and the Parish Festival Raffle.
- Our Annual Jog-A-Thon will be a MANDATORY student participation event. Our Annual Jog-A-Thon encourages wellness and health. The entrance fee pays for the yearly t-shirt and event costs. Pledges will go toward improvements determined by the School Board and the school administration, with approval from the Pastor. Incentive prizes will still be available for students.
- Our Annual Auction will also be a MANDATORY participation event with admission fee. Mandatory participation means: attending the event or helping with planning and execution of the event, gathering items to be auctioned, and donating your time, talent, and/or treasure! Our Annual Auction will support Tuition Assistance and improvements determined by School Board and the school administration, with approval from the Pastor.
- Any class fundraisers for specific yearly field trips or projects are offered only after approval from the Principal and are NOT MANDATORY except for the class hosting the fundraising.
- PARENT CLUB MEMBERS: All parents are members of the Saint Clement Parent Club and are therefore asked to attend general Parent Club meetings. Designated Room Parents and Parent Club Officers are required to attend ALL meetings.
- CLASS PARTIES: Class parties are the responsibility of all class parents. One-fourth of the parents in each class will be responsible for each of the following parties/events: Halloween, Christmas, Mardi Gras/ Valentine’s Day parties and the Holy Thursday Seder Meal. Although we value participation over donations, parents may earn a maximum of one hour for any of the four class party donations.
- EVENTS: Each family is required to participate in the following events and may receive parent hours for volunteering services:
- Back to School Night
- Parish Festival
- State of the School Address
- Annual Auction
- Annual Jog-A-Thon
* A $30 fee (per event) will be assessed for families who do not fulfill these obligations.
PARTICIPATION is defined as attendance and/or volunteering time, treasure, and/or talent to events. Volunteering does not mean free admission to any events, as our effort is to raise funds for our school.