Altar Servers
Students in Grades 4 – 8 are encouraged to serve at liturgy as an Altar Server. Training is mandatory and announced through the parish.
Christian Action
Christian Action is a student group composed of all students at Saint Clement Catholic School and run by a staff moderator. This committee plans and executes fundraisers, social justice activities, and community service education to the entire student body.
CYO – Led by Saint Clement Catholic Parish and Athletic Directors, Coach Jacki Magalhaes and Coach Marco Martin
The Catholic Youth Organization of Saint Clement Parish provides sports programs for Saint Clement parishioners and the school community. Basketball, volleyball, and track and field are offered seasonally. Other sports can be offered as available through parent and parish volunteers.
Saint Clement Ecology is a student group composed of 5th-8th Grade students working to make “green,” eco-friendly policies school-wide. Education is the first step in understanding God’s call to keep our environment safe, clean and healthy.
M.U.S.E. – Instrumental Music Program for Bay Area Schools, Mr. Bryant Allard (M.U.S.E. Director) and Mr. Daryl Lazaro (SCCS Director)
The M.U.S.E. (Musical Understanding through Sound Education) Program offers students the opportunity to learn an instrument in an ensemble setting. M.U.S.E. offers instruction for the following instruments: Flute, Clarinet, Alto Saxophone, Trumpet, Trombone, and Percussion (drums and tuned bells/xylophone) and meets every Tuesday or Friday after school. Beginning Band meets every Friday from 3:30-4:20 p.m. and Intermediate/Advanced Band meets every Tuesday from 3:30-4:20 p.m. Advanced Band stays 20 minutes longer from 4:20-4:45 p.m.
The Rosary Club meets every Thursday from 3:30 – 4:15 p.m. in The Lab and is always packed with prayerful students! Students learn about not only the Holy Rosary and the prayers, but also the meaning of our Heavenly Mother as an advocate/intercessor for our prayers to God. Prayer petitions are offered up to the Blessed Mother at each meeting. The children take turns teaching one another and leading the Rosary. The children learn of her devotion to her son and to us, and the significance of the fact that Jesus performed his first miracle because His mother asked Him to. Children can relate to this very well and they understand how much Jesus’ mother meant to Him. Students find it special to know that every time they say the Rosary, it is like giving a bouquet of roses to Mother Mary.
Student Council
Sixth, seventh and eighth graders are elected by students to be leaders of the school. Along with representing the school and being role models to their peers, Student Council is in charge of welcoming new students, Talent Sharing at the Saint Clement Parish Festival, the annual Haunted House, Red Ribbon Week, and Game Day.
Student Safety Team
Students in 6th-8th Grade may serve on our Student Safety Team for morning and afternoon drop-off and pick-up of students. Students are supervised at all times.